Successful Czech influencer Aneta Chovanová aka ANDULA is a mother, entrepreneur and co-founder of the DNA brand. On 9/19/2023, she founded the joint company DNA brand s.r.o. with her business partner and began to fulfill a long-standing dream. Today, 27/03/2024 on his birthday, he launches the brand with its first product, the significant perfume IDENTITY. In the following interview, you can get to know Anet from a slightly different angle. She told us some behind-the-scenes details of the birth of the brand and her plans for the future. What is the hardest part of her job? What is she most proud of in life? We interviewed Anet for you! Prepare tea or coffee, sit comfortably and read an inspiring interview with one of the most striking women of the Czech Instagram.
Anetka, how would you introduce yourself to people who don't know you?
When I was given the task of introducing myself to people who don't know me, I immediately thought of a few qualities that are inherent to me. Spontaneous, a little crazy. An unguided missile, yet responsible. She is very thoughtful and because of this she is often sleep deprived. Sometimes hardworking and sometimes lazy. Sometimes overly enthusiastic and sometimes very skeptical, but definitely down to earth. I know exactly what I want, but every day is different. Sometimes I don't know what I'm doing, but I love it.
When did the idea of entrepreneurship first occur to you? And why were you even tempted to start your own brand?
I have been defacto in business for ten years. In general, it seems to me that I am not an employee in spirit, because I am a dreamer and I like to do things my own way. That's why I went my own way. Having your own brand is the dream of almost everyone who loves fashion. Each of us is missing something in the market, and this is the only way to fill those gaps.
You are not the only person behind the birth of the DNA brand, but also your business partner and friend Tímea. What is it like to start and build a brand with someone else? What do you see as pluses and minuses?
At the moment I don't see a single minus, it's all positives and social security. Tim is the fittest person on this planet, no one compares to her and I don't have confirmation but I think she is a supernatural being...I don't think she sleeps and just poops. A lot of people wanted to go into business with me, but I waited years for her. When that time came, she came into my life. She is my huge role model and I look up to her.
Why the name DNA?
This is a historical matter. We once came up with it with my son's father, when we were coming up with the name of the brand that I wanted to start years ago, but I just missed Timka. These are the mirrored first three letters of my pseudonym, i.e. ANDULA. It has multiple meanings, it is also about symbolism in the sense of projecting one's own DNA into the style of the brand. Tim allowed me to keep that name, so we didn't come up with anything else.
You founded the company on September 19, on Tímei's birthday, and the first product will see the light of day on March 27, on your birthday. Is it a coincidence or a perfectly thought-out timeline of the brand's creation?
Defacto yes, it's a beautiful coincidence. Time arranged it. I'm of the opinion that things happen when they're supposed to and this is exactly that.
Who is the DNA tag intended for?
For everyone who doesn't want to fit in with the crowd. It's hard to stand out today, but I think expressing yourself through fashion is one of the most effective ways. Clothes make the man. And then the hair. :)
What does the DNA brand want to bring to its customers? In recent years, a lot of fast fashion brands and merch have been created, what do you want to do to make DNA special, something different and find its loyal customers?
We realize that everything has already been thought of. Our authenticity, rawness and approach will be different. We incorporated the original work of our court caricaturist Jirka Frýdek into our brand. It will be unique in its precision and materials. We will listen to the people, just them they will create our collections with us.
Which product is your favorite?
Ted' is definitely our perfume. There is nothing more beautiful than when someone asks you what you smell like and you say, "That's our brand perfume".
What are DNA's product plans for 2024?
Definitely spectacular, new cuts, new motifs, new colors... We are moving forward in leaps and bounds.
What is your motto in business?
Just don't screw it up :)
What do you find most difficult about your job?
Methodology. I am chaotic, it is extremely difficult for me to act systematically and meet deadlines. But Tim motivates me a lot, he can do it with me. I certainly don't envy her one bit.
What does it take to start your own fashion brand? How can it even be established?
Vision, capital, perseverance, the ability to accept the opinion of the team, time and skills. There's probably more to it, it's damn demanding if you want to do it well.
How many people work for DNA?
I suspect something around ten people, it's still increasing... :)
There is a wonderful atmosphere in your company. Why is it?
It is definitely a huge credit to everyone in the team. Strong personalities with the same sense of humor, similar demands and visions, with the same will came together and we are all simply great.
Looking ahead to 2025 and beyond, what are the plans for the DNA brand?
We try to approach everything with humility. So our plans are countless satisfied customers, minimum complaints, maximum orders. So that everyone in both republics knows us, that we are number one in the field of leisure fashion for them and that they love to wear us.
What is the best advice you would give someone in life? Whether it concerns personal life or business.
Don't be afraid to set high goals, but don't tell anyone about it, so they won't be embarrassed if you don't reach them.

Quick questions and answers
What do you consider to be your greatest achievement in life?
That I survived childbirth, lactation psychosis and the first months of motherhood. Nothing can beat me! :)
What motivates you the most?
Now at the moment my sidekick Tim, my ego hungry for the recognition and success of others.
What did you want to be as a child?
Trolleybus driver
What three crazy things would you do if everything was possible?
I do all the crazy things I want. But I still have plans to go skydiving, have one more child and follow my first diet before the summer :)) ...I hope I don't have to wait for it all this year.
If we did a "show what's in your purse" challenge, what would we be guaranteed to find in yours every time?
Hair clips, rubber bands, lip balm, deodorant, comb, perfume, protein bar, almost no money, my son's motorcycle and skateboard.