Starring oversized t-shirts! How to wear them and how to combine them?

Starring oversized t-shirts! How to wear them and how to combine them?
Everything is oversized now! Oversized clothing represents an old-new trend that is popular with all age groups. Oversized fashion is timeless, comfortable and very popular. Whether it's jackets, sweatpants or t-shirts, the oversized cut is significantly prevalent in the wardrobes of world celebrities and in the work of fashion designers. Don't be afraid to step out of line and become the queen of oversized fashion. We will advise you on the most trendy combinations.

What is the right key to combining and wearing an oversized t-shirt?
The basis is a game with shape and proportions. An oversized t-shirt can be styled for many different occasions. When it comes to oversized t-shirts, the options are endless. If you deviate from tight cuts, oversized t-shirts will give you space for combining and styling. Fashion loves contrasts. Not only colorful, but also an interesting combination of styles and materials.

Is oversized fashion for everyone?
Oversized style is for everyone. Well, sometimes it's better to fit "oversized" pieces to the shape of the character. A huge plus of oversized fashion is that it will cover the places you don't want to highlight at all. Women with an apple-shaped figure will appreciate it the most. On the contrary, the minus is that sometimes they unnecessarily "enlarge" the figure, so we recommend choosing a neutral palette of colors such as white, beige, light blue, dark blue, black, olive, salmon or even pastel pink and purple. When choosing clothes, it should be remembered that bold patterns will add volume to any figure.



If any two fashion pieces should form a sisterhood, they would be jeans and oversized t-shirts. These pieces and materials work together perfectly and feel relaxed and even casual. You can choose this combination for casual days, but also for evening occasions. Just choose suitable accessories and play with the colors, materials and silhouette of both pieces.

Tuck a dark oversized t-shirt into skinny jeans in a darker color. You can "break up" the whole outfit with a more colorful jacket or pumps in an interesting color. 



A fashionable combination of loose pieces with slim fit pieces is the best way to create a graceful and at the same time dramatic outfit. Our next tip? A combination of oversized t-shirts and leggings with a higher waist, into which you can easily tuck the t-shirt and style it. Such an outfit with well-chosen accessories is ideal for leisure wear, for example to the city, for a walk, on trips, at home or to the gym...

Tuck a white or black oversized t-shirt into leggings in black, gray or brown. You can complete the whole outfit with a cap, denim jacket, looser bomber or sweatshirt. 



The fashion of the 80s and 90s was, and still is, one of the biggest fashion trends. A big trend is the combination of cycling shorts and oversized T-shirts. This outfit is perfect for a quick shopping trip or a walk. Even Princess Diana showed off a similar outfit in the past. The oversized t-shirt goes well with tighter clothing in the lower half, this combination beautifully balances the entire female silhouette.

However, other shorts cuts, such as mini shorts, have great potential. If you want to maintain your silhouette and visually slim your waist, choose shorts with a narrower, higher waist, into which you can tuck your T-shirt.

The most typical combination, which we at TIMME also succumbed to, is the combination of a white oversized t-shirt with black shorts with a higher waist. You can complete your outfit with high socks, sneakers, an oversized sweatshirt or vest, a cap and a stylish backpack! 



You can easily choose such a combination. To make an outfit with a skirt look as chic as possible, choose one that has a high waist. Tuck your t-shirt into your skirt and you'll be trendy!

If you choose a plain skirt, don't be afraid to go for a T-shirt with a print or some interesting pattern. On the contrary, if you choose a patterned skirt, keep it low-key with your T-shirt choice and go for solid-colored versions.



Turn an oversized t-shirt into a dress! Accentuate your curves with a thin belt, add high-heeled boots and go shopping or drinking with friends.